Gov. Abbott’s Duplicity on Open Borders and Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo’s Catholic Charities are Solely Responsible for the Covert Influx of 200,000 ISIS Jihadi UN “Refugees,” Not the Mosques of Patriotic Hardworking American Muslims in Texas: The Blood of Innocent Victims is on their Hands!


Gov. Abbott and Cardinal Dinardo Responsible for Influx of 200,000 Mostly Non Syrian Christian UN Backed ISIS Jihadi “Refugees” and Attacks

Experts say Abbott can’t stop Syrian refugees – Houston Chronicle

“It sounds like what he’s (Gov. Greg Abbott) is  going to do is make the political point, but really all he can concretely say he’s going to do is disallow state level funding for resettlement of this particular community,” Gilman said. “I’m not sure if that’d be enough to prevent settlement of Syrians (It is not Syrians that are to be worried about,  80% of the UN”Refugees” are military age men associated with ISIS recruited by the CIA and Mossad from Arabia, EU, Russia, China, Canada and the US to bring down the Assad government) in Texas because there might be other funding sources that are anxious to have them settle here.”  (Like Cardinal Dinardo and Catholic Charities)

Louisiana Group Responsible for Settling Refugees Admits to Losing Track of Syrian Refugee

BATON ROUGE (Michelle Fields) – The group that helped a Syrian refugee resettle into Louisiana now says it doesn’t know where the refugee went, because it hasn’t kept track of the individual.

According to WBRZ:

WBRZ has learned Catholic Charities helped the refugee who settled in Baton Rouge, but said the immigrant left for another state after a couple of days, and they don’t know where the refugee went since they don’t track them.

The Executive Director of the group told WBRZ that they help refugees settle, but they don’t track them to see where they go.

“We’re at the receiving end,” Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Chad Aguillard said. “We receive them, we welcome them into our community and help them resettle. There has been a lot of commotion and fear with Syrians. The fear is justified, but we have to check that against reality.”

Gov. Greg Abbott’s specious letter to President Barack Obama is all talk and no action when it comes to Texas’ open borders in general, and now the in pouring of tens of thousands of non Syrian ISIS UN backed “Refugees” fleeing Putin the Terrible:

Despite President Obama’s sanctimonious proclamation Monday that America does not have a religious test when it comes to admitting refugees into America, the actual math appears to show the complete opposite is true. According to, who looked at the data, only 53 Syrian Christian refugees have been allowed into America, compared to 2,098 Syrian Muslims

Even one ISIS Jihadi is one to many, there will be many, thousands, not one. And Governor Gregg Abbott and Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo are responsible for this influx and all consequences.  Need a smoking gun, as always with corrupt politicians and Cardinals compromised by organized crime, just follow the money. Gov. Abbott even before and after being elected Governor  was all talk and no action in regards to open borders and  tens of thousands of “victims of child sex slaving” from Central America that have already poured in under Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo’s auspices via  UN proxy Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities since 2013.

In 2012, although not being named in the Chronicle, Cardinal Dinardo ordered staffers at St. Michael’s home in Houston not to report to CPS or render medical aid to an eight year old refugee child from Iraq who experienced multiple anal gang rapes by other children refugees at St. Michael’s.  St. Michael’s was funded federally under the same Faith Based Initiative Catholic Charities refugee program that now open the borders to 200,000 mostly non Syrian UN backed ISIS refugees.  Former Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia called to testify before congress for the employee rape fest at the jails Garcia oversaw, usurped the investigation and ultimately found no blame for Cardinal Dinardo in ordering the documented cover up.  Gregg Abbott, as AG responsible for malpractice of non profit charities in Texas like Planned Parenthood, and Catholic Charities, then as now, said nothing about Cardinal Dinardo’s cover up in the context of Catholic Charities lucrative refugee trafficking even before the 2013 Wilberfarce  Act victims of child sex slaving money making bonanza for Cardinal Dinardo.  Gregg Abbott, Rick Perry, Tilman Fertitta, and Cardinal Dinardo are all members of the same syndicate

Just as Abbott as Texas AG was all talk and no arrests and convictions in regard to his Texan’s for Abbot campaign manager Jessica Feritta’s I-10 child sex slaving for the family syndicate head Tilman Fertitta who stepped up after Jessica’s 2011 fiery abduction by a rival child sex slaving syndicate to be Abbott’s main campaign bundler.  The theme here is all talk and no action on open borders to child sex slave trafficking foreign and domestic, be it Fr. Macial’s Sinaloa Federation- Carlos Slim Helu, The Garza and the Bush families, or Free State Galveston legacy internet, casino, and politician child sex sex trafficker Tilman Fertitta.

And now Cardinal Dinardo is doubling down with President Barack Obama again calling for the importation of   (1) 200,000  “Syrian” refugees (they are not exclusively Syrian refugees)  as Vice President of The National Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Instead of confronting Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo, Vice President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops that actually created Barack Obama (No kidding, Google Barack Obama, U of ND, and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin) in the first place,  over the Cardinal’s cashing in on federalized human trafficking first of ” victims of child sex slaving”  from Central America  via GW’s 2008 Wilberforce Act and now UN backed ISIS “Refugees”,  Abbott makes a public show of moral outrage  against Barack Obama in Washington DC,  instead of stopping Cardinal Dinardo  the real human trafficking executive in his tracks right here in Houston by exposing Cardinal Dinardo’s complicity.  Of course for Abbott to expose Cardinal Dinardo’s duplicity would be to expose Abbott’s own.  Cardinal Dinardo is getting paid to run this human trafficking  operation millions in Federal Reserve Deficit Notes. Cardinal Dinardo needs to be exposed for profiteering in human trafficking  child sex slaving and ISIS Refugees, Cardinal Dinardo plays a huge role, not the state or federal government in so called “resettlement”.  As such, why doesn’t Gov. Abbott go after Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo instead of his futile phony worthless letter to Barack Obama. Answer, follow the money!

“The state’s refugee resettlement program plays only a coordinating role with the federal government in resettling refugees and helping to distribute federal funds to local refugee agencies, said Jennifer Smyers, director for policy and advocacy with the refugee program at Church World Service, one of nine refugee resettlement agencies in the country. The state does not actually resettle refugees itself or use state money to do so, she said.”

“The state doesn’t really play a huge role,” she said. “The federal funds go to the state and then the state helps allocates the funding to local resettlement agencies.”

It’s possible the federal government could just work directly with its local partners, which in Houston include the YMCA and Catholic Charities, rather than going through the state. Though Smyers said states could technically ask the federal government not to send any refugees at all, it couldn’t discriminate against one particular nationality. Even if a state decided it would accept no refugees, it also can’t prevent refugees who are resettled in other states from moving there if they want to.

“Syrians would still come to Texas,” she said. ( The Syrians aren’t the majority,  80% are ISIS Jihadi’s)

Smyers said such a “knee-jerk reaction” ignores the reality on the ground.

1 US Bishops Call for Influx of 200,000 Refugees

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is appealing to the U.S. government to take in 100,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year, along with an additional 100,000 from other countries. The population of Syrian refugees is overwhelmingly Muslim.

In a message distributed via email, the USCCB is encouraging Catholics to submit a letter to their congressional representatives as well as to President Obama urging the government to “protect the lives and dignity of people in Syria, Iraq and in other countries suffering war, persecution and poverty.” According to the pre-transcribed letter this is to be accomplished by accepting “more Syrian refugees — especially the most vulnerable — and ensur[ing] their safe resettlement” while providing “generous aid to nations in the Middle East that are hosting millions of refugees.”


Bill King Will Fix Houston’s Pot Holes!

“Conservatives” voting for Bill King because he will fix the pot holes and says he is against Hero, (like Hitlery says she is against the TPP) over moral principle has lead to a run off election for Houston’s Mayor between Bill King and Sylvester.Turner. In voting for King, it is evident these Christian Conservatives believe the end justifies the means. I know Jesuits like Francis believe the end justifies the mean, The Illuminati believe the end justifies the means. Both candidates will continue to support Abortion, Same Sex Unions (sodomy) and the over all LBGT anti natural family agenda as Mayor of Houston. King flip flopped on Hero (like Hitlery on TPP) to get elected Mayor against another Liberal Democrat. If elected, if follows then, King, like President Barak Obama on Same Sex Marriage will evolve into supporting HERO to gain reelection support from Turner’s and Parker’s constituents against an anti Hero Republican if there is such a thing.. Both candidates support Planned Parenthood absolutely. To elect King is to elect the pro Planned Parenthood, Hero Houston Chronicle Editorial Board as Mayor, or I should say The Ministry of Truth.. Both have given their tacit approval to Planned Parenthood’s baby parts business and logistic supply for child sex slaving by their absolute public silence. Houston is the world’s hub of human trafficking: Domestically (Houston hub I-10) and Foreign- Cardinal Dinardo’s child sex slaving “Faith Based Initiative” business cashes in annually for 80 million of your tax payer money via GW’s 2008 Wilberforce Act trafficking ten’s of thousands of “victims of child sex slaving” covertly across are now non existent borders. There are one million child sex slaves in the US.

And Foreign, Cardinal Dinardo will double down on his DHS human trafficking Faith Based Initiative business for tens of millions more in wake of the Pope’s visit demanding ” immigration” from the Middle East as a moral imperative. Cardinal Dinardo. Houston’s Cardinal, likewise is spearheading as head of the Vatican’s Commission on the Rights of Immigrants and VP of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops the trafficking through Catholic Relief Services and DHS of 200,000 muslim Jihadis covertly into the US, just as he has done with victims of child sex slaving from Central America via the bogus GW Wilberforce Act over the last two years.

Neither Turner nor King will say anything as Mayor to save Houston, our Country, nor of course the hundreds of thousands of innocent men, woman, and mostly children foreign and domestic who are raped, murdered, and dismembered in the future by ISIS migrants and by Planned Parenthood through abortion and child sex slaving run and funded by the government and the Churches in conjunction with Fr. Maciel’s Sinaloa Federation Cartel/ Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush and Carlos Slim Helu. Are Christian Conservatives going to vote for Jeb over Hitlery just like they did King over Turner? Jeb’s new campaign slogan is “Jeb can fix it”. Will Jeb fix pot holes better than Hitlery.

The most prominent leaders of the government in Houston and Washington and the Catholic Church are homosexuals engaged in human trafficking from child sex slaving to male Jihadi’s 18 to 25. This will not change with either Turner or King. Only an act of God can save us now. So why Christian Conservatives beat their chests on their great political victory over Parker’s moronic men in girls bathrooms ordinance (which Cardinal Dinardo said nothing about as Bishop publically just as he says nothing about Planned Parenthood’s baby pars business, defunding, or cantina child sex slaving), many voted for Bill KIng, which correlates to, but did not cause the defeat of Hero. .The result is all of the above continuing. The tally was 60 to 40. In less than five years that will switch to 51 in favor and 49 opposed as religious demographics continue to nose dive across the board.

Deus Providebit.

Latest Proof by His Own Mouth that Ben Carson is Delusional, Are You?

Washington (AFP) – Egypt’s pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to store grain and were not, as archaeologists believe, tombs for pharaohs, Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson has said.

The retired neurosurgeon seeking his party’s nomination for the White House made these remarks in a 1998 address at Andrews University, a school associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to which he belongs, in a video posted Wednesday on Buzzfeed. The church is a conservative evangelical Christian one.

“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said.

“Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain.” (What the Hell???!!!!)

Carson added: “And when you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons. And various of scientists have said, ‘Well, you know there were alien beings that came down and they have special knowledge and that’s how, you know, it doesn’t require an alien being when God is with you.” (That’s true!)

In the book of Genesis, Joseph was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. He was sold by his brothers as a slave to merchants headed to Egypt. And he then becomes one of Egypt’s most powerful men.

Carson and Donald Trump have been leading their party’s crowded nominating race.

Carson, however, is seen by many as someone with conservative values rooted in traditional Christian beliefs, and able to appeal to the party’s most conservative Christian religious base.

Kernels of wheat has been stored in the Pyramids for thousands of years. Miraculously when planted and watered these wheat kernels grew. Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew equates the falling of a grain of wheat to the ground, saying unless it dies, it will not “stand up” or resurrect to produce a hundred fold, to his own death and resurrection. Likewise Egyptian Mystery Religion used this fundamental analogy from Nature to portray the cruel death and miraculous resurrection of the god Osiris, or vice versa I should say. The economy of Egypt was built on supplying useful objects for eternal life. In a paradoxical way, Egypt’s economy like are own godless, materialist one is a “throw away economy”, but a “sacrificial” economy as opposed to a non religious throw away economy that makes plastic objects that lasts forever.  As sacred as wheat was revered not only as the first offering of the Holy Nile, but the source of altar hosts and ale for the God and gods and all righteous souls in heaven with the God and gods enjoying and celebrating eternal life, of course wheat for the after life was stored in the Pyramids. And in a completely paradoxical way, in this sense you can say the Pyramids were built to store wheat (and a whole host of other things including board games to pass the time away joyfully in Eternity) for the afterlife in heaven with the God and gods for the mummies’ Ka or spirit. This is not what the delusional Ben Carson is saying, however.

Ben Carson equates the Pyramids through the story of Joseph with  (concrete and steel) grain bins built for storing wheat in the Midwest. Carson says Joseph, a Hebrew just arrived as a slave child, built the pyramids for such grain storage. The Pyramids were built at least three thousand years before Joseph came to Egypt, and some egyptologists are now saying begun 12 thousand to 35 thousand years ago.

 Carson says Joseph’s very elaborate grain bins”is his own  personal theory”.  Isn’t that the definition of delusion- “your own personal theory of reality”. Carson  delusional personal theory of Joseph and Egyptian pyramids as wheat storage bins is not the first delusional statement he has made publicly to the press:

Ben Carson defends his story about gunpoint robbery at a …

I have to agree with Ben Carson, when he dismisses one delusional theory of pyramid origins-space aliens built them- for his own personal delusional theory Joseph built them, that it takes one to know one-delusional thinking, that is. No one knew Stalin better than Hitler. But Carson is not delusional in this, if you have God, you do not need space aliens to build the pyramids. Carson inadvertently hits the nail on the head here in regards to the Egyptian Mystery Religion’s knowledge of the God and gods through the religion of heaven- as in heaven so on earth- through Astronomy and Astrology which was distilled in Egyptian Mystery Religion through sacred fractional Geometry into the building of the most sophistical edifice to this day ever built by man with God, the Pyramids.

I am sure the delusional Pro Hillary press just like Marco Rubio’s credit history and mortgage default, is searching Carson’s public statements for more of his delusional statements. It takes one to know one. They will surely find several more instances because like all mental illness, delusional people and their personality cult followers do not know they are delusional. Delusional people talk freely, passionately, and self righteously about their delusions, especially their delusions of self grandeur.  The delusional  Hilary for President press blind to the delusions of Hilary are biding their time as Carson’s delusions of spiritual and scientific grandeur move Carson up in the poles as an identified (snickering under their breath) by the corporate press “devout” Christian, or grain of wheat, past the pro gay marriage, pro trans gender Donald Trump with the support of low information Evangelical Christian voters, who as with Mitt Romney’s run want to be seen as being nice. These low informational Evangelical Christian voters along with “Conservative NEO CON Catholic voters are themselves delusional in their cult like support of the delusional Carson of course.  They see Carson as  is Christian Zionist anti Islamic/Russian WWIII apocalyptic monger- this of course is a greatest part of Carson’s delusional thinking.  These Christian Zionists ignore that Carson is a devotee belonging to a non Christian bizarre 19th century personality cult founded, like Joseph Smith and the Mormons, by another plagiarist phony visionary Ellen G. White which like Mormonism identifies The Roman Catholic Church as The Whore of Babylon.

Wake up low information Carson supporters for President. Carson as black makes you feel nice that you support a black person for President who unlike Barak is “a devout Christian”.  But just like Herman Cain, Carson will be imploded by the press when the time is right leaving egg all over your faces and rightly so if you persist in showing as low information voters your lack of judgment in selecting anyone for any office.  Carson is delusional, are you? Wake up!

The latest evidence from Ben Carson’s own mouth that Carson is delusional, i.e. Psychotic.  Not that Barak and Hillary, Nixon and the Bushes are not as well.  Your delusional if you vote for a delusional psychotic for President.

Carson: ‘Close Family Member’ He Tried to Stab Doesn’t Want to Go Public

Image: Carson: ‘Close Family Member’ He Tried to Stab Doesn’t Want to Go Public (Wire Services Photo)

By Greg Richter | Thursday, 05 Nov 2015 09:52 P


GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson revealed Thursday that the “friend” he tried to stab when he was 14 was actually a close relative, and he said that person does not want to reveal himself.

CNN spent most of Thursday playing segments of a report that found eight of Carson’s childhood friends who said they never knew him to have bouts of anger as he has described. Only one said he had a vague memory of the story of the attempted stabbing, but thought it was just a story.

“Those claims are absolutely true,” Carson said Thursday night of Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File.” “This is simply an attempt to smear and to deflect the argument to something else.”
Carson said he won’t reveal the identities of any of the people he said he attacked before praying about his anger issues and leaving them behind.

“The person that I tried to stab, you know, I talked to today said would they want to be revealed? They were not anxious to be revealed,” he said. “None of those people decided that they wanted to do this. And the media is ruthless. So I would say to the people of America, do you think I’m a pathological liar like CNN does, or do you think I’m an honest person?

No, I know you are a delusional psychotic!

More proof!  It’s over for Ben Carson for President. He is another delusional Mitt Romney.

Ben Carson reportedly lied about West Point scholarship

Politico reported Friday that Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson did not — as he has claimed repeatedly — receive a full scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. 

In fact, Carson’s campaign admitted that the former neurosurgeon not only fabricated the story of his acceptance into the prestigious military academy, but he never actually applied. This concession came after Politico obtained evidence from a West Point spokesperson that the academy has no record of Carson’s application or his admission — calling into question a key piece of the presidential hopeful’s personal history.

“Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the city of Detroit,” Barry Bennett, Carson’s campaign manager, told Politico. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”

In his book, “Gifted Hands,” Carson describes a 1969 meeting with General William Westmoreland—fresh off four years of directing the U.S. military strategy in Vietnam—that Carson said resulted in being offered a “full scholarship” to West Point.

“He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors,” Bennett continued in his email to Politico. “They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”

Presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks at the Republican debate held by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado, October 28, 2015. (Photo: Rick Wilking/Reuters)

It has also been noted by Politico and others that there is technically no such thing as a “full scholarship” to West Point, as the military covers the costs of all who are admitted to the elite academy.

The West Point spokesperson told Politico it’s entirely possible that Westmoreland spoke to the 17-year-old Carson and perhaps encouraged the young ROTC student to consider applying to the academy. However, Politico questions whether that fabled encounter with the famous general even took place.

According to “Gifted Hands,” Carson met Westmoreland in Detroit following the city’s Memorial Day Parade, in which he’d been chosen to march. But, Politico notes that U.S. Army records of Westmoreland’s schedule suggest that the general was in Washington on Memorial Day 1969 and did not make any trips to Detroit around that time.

Carson has hardly shied away from discussing his supposed West Point scholarship offer on the campaign trail. He defending the claim as recently as August 13, in a Facebook post in which he answered questions from supporters. In response to a question from someone named Bill who “wanted to know if it was true that I was offered a slot at West Point after high school,” Carson wrote, “Bill, that is true.”

“I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point,” he continued. “But I knew medicine is what I wanted to do. So I applied to only one school. (it was all the money I had). I applied to Yale and thank God they accepted me. I often wonder what might have happened had they said no.” 

Carson himself has not yet responded to the damning Politico report, but Republican rival Donald Trump wasted no time before expressing his excitement, tweeting Friday, “WOW, one of many lies by Ben Carson! Big story.”

But by Friday afternoon, the Politico report had become the subject of dispute.

Fox News Anchor Megyn Kellytweeted Friday afternoon that Carson’s campaign manager told her show The Kelly File that “The Politico story is an outright lie,” and that “the campaign never admitted to anything.”The Daily Caller also published a story attributing those same quotes to Carson communications director Doug Watts.

“[Carson] never said he was admitted or even applied,” Watts reportedly told The Daily Caller. “This is what we’ve come to expect from Politico.”

Yet, ABC Political Director Rick Klein tweeted that “Ben Carson’s campaign confirms to ABC News that he was never admitted, nor did he apply, to West Point.”

The Carson campaign has not yet responded to a request for comment from Yahoo Politics.

More Proof!

Ben Carson: The Yale Tale Grows – Does His Nose?

Yesterday I wrote a piece entitled “Ben Carson: A Whale of a Tale at Yale,” regarding a story he told in his 1990 autobiography Gifted Hands, in which he related the following anecdote:

Lack of funds wasn’t my only worry that day, however. The day before I’d been informed that the final examination papers in a psychology class, Perceptions 301, “were inadvertently burned.” I’d taken the exam two days earlier but, with the other students, would have to repeat the test.

And so I, with about 150 other students, went to the designated auditorium for the repeat exam.
As soon as we received the tests, the professor walked out of the classroom.

Before I had a chance to read the first question, I heard a loud groan behind me.

“Are they kidding?” someone whispered loudly. As I stared at the questions, I couldn’t believe them either. They were incredibly difficult, if not impossible. Each of them contained a thread of what we should have known from the course, but they were so intricate that I figured a brilliant psychiatrist might have trouble with some of them.

“Forget it,” I heard one girl say to another. “Let’s go back and study this. We can say we didn’t read the notice. Then when they repeat it, we’ll be ready.” Her friend agreed, and they quietly slipped out of the auditorium.

Immediately three others packed away their papers. Others filtered out. Within ten minutes after the exam started, we were down to roughly one hundred. Soon half the class was gone, and the exodus continued. Not one person turned in the examination before leaving.

I kept working away, thinking all the time, How can they expect us to know this stuff? Pausing then to look around, I counted seven students besides me still going over the test.

Within half an hour from the time the examination began, I was the only student left in the room. Like the others, I was tempted to walk out, but I had read the notice, and I couldn’t lie and say I hadn’t. All the time I wrote my answers, I prayed for God to help me figure out what to put down. I paid no more attention to departing footsteps.

Suddenly the door of the classroom opened noisily, disrupting my flow of thought. As I turned, my gaze met that of the professor. At the same time I realized no one else was still struggling over the questions. The professor came toward me. With her was a photographer for the Yale Daily News who paused and snapped my picture.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“A hoax,” the teacher said. “We wanted to see who was the most honest student in the class.” She smiled again. “And that’s you.” The professor then did something even better. She handed me a ten-dollar bill.

Saturday the conservative Wall Street Journal casted doubt on the incident, noting, “No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.”

Sunday, Carson was on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, and claimed his camp has found a story in the Yale Daily News about the incident. He also appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation, and stated “… we were able to find the article. And it will be coming out within the next day or two showing what happened with that psychology course.”

Carson has posted this on his facebook page:

On Saturday a reporter with the Wall Street Journal published a story that my account of being the victim of a hoax at Yale where students were led to believe the exams they had just taken were destroyed and we needed to retake the exam was false. The reporter claimed that no evidence existed to back up my story. Even went so far as to say the class didn’t exist.

Well here is the student newspaper account of the incident that occurred on January 14, 1970.
Will an apology be coming. I doubt it.

Here’s the accompanying article Carson posted:


I too doubt the WSJ will make any apology, as none is required by them to Carson. Perhaps one should be going in the other direction.

The article Carson posted neither supports his bizarre account of his involvement in this hoax, nor does it contradict anything the Wall Street Journal said in their article.

Here are some simple questions for the good Dr. Carson:
1. Where are you named and where is your photo in the article?
2. Where is any reference to a psychology class entitled “Perceptions 301?”
3. Where is there any mention of everyone walking out except you?
4. The article only mentions “several students” attending; how did you arrive at your number of “about 150 other students” being there?
5. Out of your entire class of about 150, were you the only honest student? (That doesn’t speak very well of the other Yale students, does it?)
6. What does any of this have to do with your honesty?

I have never taken a course called “Perceptions 301,” but there is one thing I do perceive — there is definitely a hoax somewhere in this matter.

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

Ben Carson is delusional, if you don’t see this, are you?