Trump Joins With Texas Governor Abbott in Executive Order Scientifically Proven Non Effective against Influenza Face mask Buffunory while Earmarking Billions for 100 million Doses of unproven Covi HOAX Vaccine, TRUMP, PHONy Pro lifer, pro lbgtq Natanayahu Zionist Stodge, worse than obama, both war criminals

Pathological Liar Texas Governor Greg Abbot Executive Orders Scientifically Vacuous Mandatory “Face Mask” Wearing in Violation Under Color of Law of Texans’ Civil Rights My Body/My Choice

Liar, Tiny Tyrant Governor Abbot Aping his Liberal Fascist Counterparts California Governor Galvin Newsome and Michigan Governor Adolf Whitmer, is like Newsome and Whitner sued by Patriotic Americans, Criminally and Civilly Liable for Executive Order Mandating under Criminal Sanction Scientifically Vacuous “Face Mask” Wearing by Texans in Abbot’s Unabated Under Color of Law Violation of Texan’s Civil Rights over their Bodies (Writ of Habeas Corpus) be it via Stay at Home Detention, and Combined with Denial of My Body/My Individual Health Care Choice, Mandated under Criminal Sanction by Abbott with No Science Prolonged “Surgical Mask Wearing” while non Effective in Preventing the Spread of Viruses Communally in the Same Moment Poses Extreme Threats to Individual Health in Multiple Ways.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot aping in Covi virtue signaling his likewise authoritarian Dem/Repub duopoly counterpart Liberal Democrat pro BLM/ANTIFA California Governor Galvin Newsome, and Michigan Governor Adolf Whitner both decreeing a Covi Pass to BLM/Antifa to burn and to tear down statutes, executive ordered Texans under criminal sanction to wear “Face Masks” scientifically proven non effective in preventing spread of virus in virtue signaling in The Media in allegedly “mitigating” of Covid Virus in reaction to contrived dramatic increases of new cases in Covid 19 via scientifically vacuous Abbott Labs 86% false positive machine testing in Red State Texas and Florida. This testing and alleged dramatic increases in Covid 19 infection fear porn trumpeted by Fake News blamed on Trump (as Fauci claims) for re opening the American Economy to soon instead of waiting like Europe and China did) omits 100% accurate positive Covid 19 antigen testing studies down by a renowned Stanford University Professor in LA and Santa Clara County showing hundreds of thousands of Californians have had since 2019 (pre Wuhan) Covid 19 infection and developed herd immunity antigens. These results can be extrapolated by algorithm in to the tens of millions across the US. Fake News solely out to remove overthrow Trump as President making the scientifically vacuous claim Covid 19 infection is “a deadly disease” that warrants criminally sanctioned home detention and face mask wearing called Trump a “Liar” when he stated “Over sixty million American’s have been tested with a 99,99% recovery rate.” This is scientific fact. Fake news only fear porns “rapid increases in Covid 19 infection- a deadly disease” but no fatality almost 100% recovery rate and long ago reached heard immunity threshold.

All the while alleged no standard autopsy ( due to the threat of contracting deadly Covid 19 disease from a cadaver by coroners – a scientific impossibility) unverified Covid 19 fatalities list all deaths of predominately elderly patients in their 80’s mandated by the Rockefeller Foundation CDC to be counted as directly caused by Covid 19 infection. This is scientifically vacuous and fraudulent. There is a constant 30% difference in falsified Covid 19 deadly disease fatalities between John Hopkins/CDC alleged Covid 19 infection fatality numbers and the corresponding WHO numbers, a scientific oxymoron/ Moreover the increasing number of Covid 19 infections to deaths ratio has declined in alleged fatalities during the last three months and will flat line for the next several months given the end of Flu season. No Flu related fatalities were counted in 2020 by the CDC. Increased testing for Covid 19 revealing more cases and simultaneously a flat lining decline in alleged Covid 19 deadly disease fatalities is good news for everyone by Fake News.

Fake News in their Covid 19 propaganda war to remove Trump as President exclusively reports on Texas and Florida alleged skyrocketing rise in Covid 19 cases ignoring 22 other states who after “re opening” never mandated stay at home or face mask wearing like Sweden have not experienced Covid 19 false positive testing increase of cases. Nor does Fake News report about Italy, China, Britain, Russia, Japan, the Koreas, or The EU having declared a de facto end to Covid 19 mitigation efforts with no new cases reported in dramatic contrast to Texas and Florida. Germany officially declaring Covid 19 to be a hoax. Trump was lambasted as a “liar” for stating that over 60 milion Americans have been tested resulting in a 99.9% recovery rate.” This is scientifically factual. Fake News never, never mentions recoveries only cases. Fauci recently indicted Trump for opening the economy too soon in spite of Fauci’s cautions citing the rest of the world waited until new cases had ended to re open their economies. This of course turns a blind eye to 22 states and Sweden that never ordered home detention and mandatory face mask wearing in the first place and experience no statistically visible increase in Covid 19 infections.

In a continued Covid 19 plot to discredit Trump politically by the CIA to remove him from The Presidency to stop Trump’s limp wrist prosecution of Obamagate- the previous conspiracy by self professed Muslim/Communist Brennon’s CIA to overthrow Trump as President (Israel Firster Trump, a FED Zionist International Bankster Cartel Debt Slave and Epstein/Gates client, was a catastrophe in his first term and has politically destroyed himself by alienating himself from his America First grass roots voter support because of his lies and limp wristed failure to protect the office of The president of The United States from treasonous and seditious Deep State Domestic Enemies of the USC ) an alternative co-version of a Fr. Dietrich SARS deadly bio weapon producing fatal blood clots in mascaraed as Covid 19 has been seeded by the CIA in Texas and Florida and New York City and not the rest of the world in order to discredit Trump for facilitating a second wave of a truly deadly feigned Covid 19 blood clot bio weapon that unlike previously infects younger men, women, and children with fatal blood clots. Nonetheless, mandatory criminally sanctioned wearing of face masks in these cases of this alternate feigned Covid 19 bio weapon is absolutely ineffectual in preventing infection and subsequent blood clot fatality as is stay at home criminal detention.

Gov. Abbott issued mandatory “Face Mask” Executive Order Criminal Sanctions born of a hateful political rivalry rebuke of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, using Patrick’s emotional personal condemnation as fodder of Trumps’ White House C 19 TF Dr. Fauci’s lying back and forth on mandatory Face Mask wearing as effective or not in preventing the spread of Covid 19 Virus, first con, now pro. If wearing a face mask is scientifically proven to slow the spread of virus as Fauci and Abbot now say, why did Abbot wait until only now to order mandatory face mask wearing in response to Patrick;s rebuke of Fauci’s duplicitous lying that Abbott to spite Patrick now apes with no scientific evidence.

Dr. Fauci/Gates funded both Fr. Dietrich and Wuhan Bio Lab Level Four Covid 19 SARS bio weapon development after 2014. Both Fauci in 2016 stating Trump as President would face a “surprise virus world pandemic” ( if it is a “surprise” how did Fauci forecast it) and Gates in Event 201 predicted and effectively caused the Covid 19 global panicdemic to profit hundreds of billions by Fauci holding the Covid 19 medical patent via royalties from all tests developed and vaccine research and vaccine sales just as Fauci profited from holding the HIV medical patent in the 1980’s (only lab made virus can be patented not zoological or naturally arising virus) and Gates in vaccine research and patent, but most importantly in contact tracing cyber markers global government contract into the hundred of billions if not trillions via Micro Soft,

Lt. Gov. Patrick had already beat Abbott to the political populist punch PR wise in publicly stating Patrick himself would go to jail in place of a Dallas hair dresser who tore up a court order and re opened her saloon in defiance of Abbott’s executive order to “feed her family.” The hair dresser was subsequently released from jail and fine by the Texas Supreme Court by Writ of Mandamus and Writ of Habeas Corpus motioned in her Defense. Patrick had previously stung Abbot’s stay at home order and shut down of the economy by stating publicly as a grandfather he is willing to risk Covid 19 infection to re open the shut down economy for the sake of his grand children.

Abbott, with no science backing his bold face lie face masks slow the spread of Covid 19 virus apes California Governor Galvin Newsome, Newsome was first elected Mayor of San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities in The World. I lived in San Francisco for four years in the 80’s when San Francisco was beautifully manicured and not yet covered in homeless feces. As Newsome in 2012 took Dem Liberal Facist government control of The City it became doted with homeless human feces shutting down like Covid 19 restaurant and tourism industry. When Newsome left San Francisco elected Governor of California to reside in relatively homeless feces free Stockton, Capital of California, nothing changed after his two terms as SF mayor. San Francisco remains post now California Governor Covid 19 crusader Galvin Newsome covered in homeless feces.

Newsome as Mayor of San Francisco, and now as Governor of California having done nothing about homeless feces, remains in virtue signaling politically PR oblivious to this manifest public health risk in San Francisco of exposure to omnipresent homeless feces, because homeless people (though no fault of their own- seriously-if you gotta go you gotta go) are the source of the homeless feces, because they are homeless. For Newsome as Mayor, and Governor it is politically not correct to prevent, or criminally sanction in any way public defecation by homeless people because they are homeless people. This politically virtue signaling is far more politically advantageous to Newsome then actually dealing with the massive problem of homeless people in San Francisco and throughout California being homeless in the first place.

As Mayor and Governor Newesome has turned a continuing blind eye to homeless feces as a public health crisis in San Francisco, and (like Gov. Abbott or Houston Mayor Syvester Turner) not addressed in any meaningful way homelessness as the cause of homeless feces produced daily by the homeless mentally ill, foster child program abandoned youth to be forced into child sex slave trafficking, addicts, the elderly impoverished, disabled veterans in any meaningful or substantial way. And yet virtue signaling liberal fascist Newesome, like his Red State conservative fascist counterpart Abbot, both turning a blind eye to the plight of homeless people in their states, are all about criminally sanctioned executive order virtue signaling completely ineffective scientifically vacuous Face Mask wearing in Public to slow the spread of the completely innocuous in 99.9%, not deadly strain of Corona Virus thus far. Disclaimer, I made the caveat earlier there is a deadly bio weapon strain which causes blood clots seeded along with this 2019 extant Covid 19 innocuous pre Wuhan strain. Mask wearing does not prevent infection by this strain either.

Breathing in air born dried human feces bacterium can be mitigated by wearing a face mask, like a cowboy’s bandanna keeping one from breathing in dust during a cattle drive. And yet Newsome during two terms as San Francisco Mayor with homeless feces up to his ears never as Mayor authored an executive order or called for legislation by City Council for Public Health safety for mandatory wearing of “Face Masks” in Public in San Francisco. The science exhibits contact exposure to dried airborne human feces is substantially more of a public health risk than contact exposure to since 2019 extant Fauci/Gates funded Fr. Dietrich bio weapons’ lab Covid 19 innocuous infection. And yet Newsome as S.F. Mayor and now Governor because not politically correct, did not, and does not issue an executive order with criminal sanctions to wear masks in the face of a public health crisis posed by homeless feces to effectively guard public health as he like Abbot with no science has lying done in regard to the innocuous Covid 19 “deadly” infection.

Wearing a Face Mask science exhibits may mitigate dried human feces bacterium contact because of bacterium size,one millionth of a millimeter, But criminally sanctioned mandatory wearing of “Face Masks” is scientifically proven beyond a doubt to be ineffective in preventing the spread of viruses because of size-one billionth of a millimeter. The term “Face Mask” is legally ambiguous and therefore not criminally actionable for the crime of not wearing a “Face Mask.”

Only the 3M corporation M95 “face mask” “respirator” is sanctioned by OSHA and now the White House Covid 19 Task Force. In 1982 3M Corporation was sued for twenty million dollars by a miner who claimed the M95 originally developed for the mining industry had failed to prevent silicon from depositing into his lungs while mining. This initial suit has become a 50 state wide class action suit against 3M. As a result of litigation, 3M moved production to China. Like antibiotics and even aspirin the US is totally dependent on China accused by Trump as solely culpable for the Wuhan release of Covid 19 cover up initiating WHO proclaimed world pandemic for the only Covid 19 white house Gates/Fauci approved 3m M95 “face mask.” “respirator” due to fear of litigation. Particles of silicon like air born dried human feces are trillions of times larger then a virus, and yet the only “face mask” OSHA authorized and mandated by the Gates/Fauci White House Covid 19 Task Force to to slow the spread of Covid 19 virus is being sued in Class Action against Israeli Black Rock Obsidian owned 3M for in every case not preventing inhaling of silicon into the lungs by the face mask wearer.

There are several studies over the decades on “surgical mask” (but none on “face mask” except the 3M M95 by Class Action litigators ) effectiveness to mitigate, change, or prevent viral contact of the wearer, or those who come into contact with a “surgical mask wearer.” These scientific test studies are available in text by internet search via Go Go Duck! All study testing, all with out exception, prove scientifically in double blind testing, a “surgical mask” and by extension wanna be so called “face masks,” many home made, are 100% non effective in mitigating viral contact. One study exhibits no difference in patient collateral infection and complications in contact with surgeons who wear surgical masks during surgery and those who did not wear a surgical mask in a double blind testing. It is FDA mandated stated on boxes of surgical masks “Does not prevent the spread of viruses.” Surgical masks may be considered face masks generically, but surgical masks and designer face masks are not OSHA authorized 3M M95 face mask respirators developed for miners use, not as the Fauci/Gates White House Covid 19 Task Force purports to prevent the spread of Covid 19 virus infection which it in no way does, as all the scientific testing evidence shows.

Lying to Texans to defraud them whether as “Pro Life” voter abortion profiteers, or the 2009 Driver’s Responsibility Act, as Abbot, like Perry. always does, Abbot bold face lied in a recent press conference “The science is overwhelming, The wearing of a face mask in Public slows the spread of Corona virus.” As testing with the intentionally defective false positive machine Abbott Laboratory Corona Virus test-owned by Israeli Black Rock Obsidian private equity inc. like 3M- continues inexorably adding thousands and thousands of new Corona Virus “dead;y disease” infection victims (whereas no further reports in Fake News about Corona in Italy, or the rest of Europe, China, Koreas, Japan, Sweden et al of new infections, no report of recovery rates of end of fatalities Fauci claiming

because they waited to re open safely and Trump did not wait) the padded alleged Corona fatality rate in Texas is at a low for the past two months with out the criminally sanction mandated practice now by Abbot of face mask wearing. The increasing rise, of “new cases” (fake news has stopped using “spike”) in Corona Virus infection due to media generated “ a deadly disease”paranoia increased testing numbers can only indicate that wearing a Face Mask, like washing your hands, six feet social distancing in order to track you by cell phone, (If masks work what need is there for social distancing – its a medical oxymoron) forced home detention, does not prevent the real, or imaginary spread of Corona Virus.

No spike in Covid 19 allegedly caused fatalities with increase in new cases can be reported by Fake News because the flu season has long ended and all flu deaths and all deaths of elderly were fraudulently tallied by CDC order as Covid fatalities jn the first place. There will only be a normal rate of death among elderly in their eighties until the next flu season and therefore no spike in Covid 19 deaths until then. This is why Fake news uses the term “ increase in new cases” and not “spike” in reporting anymore. Every new case of Corona virus infection proves wearing of face masks in public has not slowed by prevention the spread of Covid 19 new infections exposing Abbot’s Big Lie in the first place.

For the third time in four months, California Governor Galvin (like Michigan Governor Adolf Witmer) is facing Recall on the part of citizens in California over his Liberal Fascist draconian anti 1st Amendment in all aspects, most especially free exercise of religious assembly, criminally sanctioned mandatory home detention and criminally sanctioned mandatory face mask “saving lives and keeping you safe” terror based neo liberal fascist regime. Newsome, has terrorized Californians four months with the “deadly” Corona Virus Zionist Globalist Banker’s 9/11 like “ for your safety” world panidemic brutal hoax, aped now by anti DBS Christian Zionist Abbot against Texans, threatening to issue unconstitutional Bill of Pain citations unto arrest like his Blue state tiny tyrant counter part Galvin, for disobedience by Texans that do not believe Abbot’s self serving lies and duplicity. But duplicitous Abbot qualifies “No one will go to jail for face mask wearing non compliance, but Abbott then threatens Texans could receive a citation a legal writ of habeas corpus (in fact an unconstitutional Bill of Pain) not to exceed $250.” How merciful Governor Abbot is as fascist dictator in under color of law as a Domestic Enemy of the Constitution denying Texans the rights over their own bodies.

Abbot’s duplicitous qualification disallowing arrest is political PR to make Abbot in his tiny tyrant authoritarianism appear measured and lenient, But in truth, Abbot only excludes arrest in conspiring to deny as Texas Governor Due Process to Texans legal Writ of Habeas Corpus, i.e. their day in court. All Texans arrested or given a citation I.e Bill of Pain- for non compliance for the crime of not wearing a “face mask” in defiance of Governor Abbot’s scientifically vacuous executive order are fraudulently arrested without Probably Cause in under color of law violation of legal Writ of habeas corpus by executive order ex parte Abbot , Res ipso igitur, face masks are beyond a scientific doubt proven ineffective in preventing the spread of viruses as a contact barrier against viruses. Moreover, There is no legal definition of “face mask” mandated for legal issuing of a ticket that is a legal Writ of Habeas Corpus. Many wear “surgical masks” in presumed compliance of Abbots’ criminally sanctioned mandatory “face mask” wearing in Public. As stated, there is an FDA warning on every box of surgical masks, like FDA mandatory cancer warning on cigarette packages, “surgical masks do not prevent the spread of viruses.”

The prolonged wearing of surgical masks is scientifically proven to be a health hazard beyond the Class Action case of 3M M95 “respirator White House Covid 19 Gates/Fauci Task Force authorized ‘Face Mask” to slow the spread of the “deadly” Covid 19 virus. Beyond being absolutely non effective in preventing in any way the spread of viruses- otherwise people would have worn surgical masks in past years during flu and cold season.

Prolonged surgical mask wearing generally causes head aches an can provoke acute attack by asthma sufferers. Fauci since the Eighties has been Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infections which encompasses asthma. Nevertheless, Fauci mandates without asthma sufferer exception prolong wearing of surgical masks by asthma suffers with potentially fatal outcome.

Prolong face mask wearing efficiently traps and concentrates virus and bacterium in the mask which quickly become contaminated and must be replaced with every use causing the wearer even for a moment to breath in his own toxic flora again and again. It is not natural or healthy in anyway to wear a surgical mask for anyone.

The most important process to sustain life, more immediate than food and water, is breathing, to facilitate oxygenation of blood flow through the body. In breathing air, oxygen is extracted through the lungs and Co2 a by product of this process is breath out. Bill Gates urges mass world depopulation to stop climate change due to Co2 in part produced by 8 billion humans breathing out Co2. Mask wearing restricts oxygen in take physically and also reflexively by breathing in your own Co2 trapped by the mask stolid air space as if in a paper bag. The breathing of Co2 due to prolonged surgical mask wearing is a substantial health threat in multiple ways.

Governor Abbot is liable in Class Action suit for all physical harm caused by prolonged Surgical Face Mask wearing to Texans fraudulently mandated under Criminal Sanction by Abbot’s executive order as Texas Governor falsely claimed by Abbot with no science to prevent the spread of Covid 19 virus infection. The prolonged wearing of a surgical mask while scientifically proven not to prevent the spread of viruses, can in fact cause multiple dire health threats due to the effects of too much carbon dioxide build up in the blood.

The Effects of Too Much Carbon Dioxide in the Blood

By Rob Callahan


Rob Callahan lives in Minneapolis, where he covers style, culture and the arts for Vita.MN and “l’étoile Magazine.” His work has earned awards in the fields of journalism, social media and the arts. Callahan graduated from Saint Cloud State University in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that’s always present in your blood. It is the waste product generated as your body uses up oxygen, and it is expelled from the lungs when you exhale. At normal levels, its presence has no measurable adverse effects on you, but if your breathing is compromised or you are exposed to large amounts of this gas, you can experience a wide range of side effects, some of which include permanent injury and death

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that’s always present in your blood. It is the waste product generated as your body uses up oxygen, and it is expelled from the lungs when you exhale. At normal levels, its presence has no measurable adverse effects on you, but if your breathing is compromised or you are exposed to large amounts of this gas, you can experience a wide range of side effects, some of which include permanent injury and death.

Cardiovascular Effects

If your blood becomes saturated with too much CO2, you develop the condition known as hypercapnia. Increased levels of CO2 also affect the pH level of your blood, turning it more acidic. This condition is called acidemia and, if prolonged, causes acidosis, which is injury to the body’s cells by a rise in acidity that leads to faltering functions of the heart. Some possible outcomes of this interference with your heart include low blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia.

Nerve Damage details the levels of damage your central nervous system can experience as a result of high acidity. These conditions are the result of temporary or permanent nerve damage brought on by acidemia, and include delirium, hallucinations, seizures, respiratory failure, coma or death.


As an asphyxiant, carbon dioxide displaces breathable oxygen and impairs pulmonary gas exchange. While asphyxiation is commonly associated with choking on a physical object or drowning, you can suffocate on CO2 without any visible abnormality or obstruction of your breathing. If the oxygen content of the air you breathe is insufficient, you slowly suffocate due to selective oxygen depletion until you experience permanent damage or death.